
Dr. Amitabh Verma, Specialization: NEUROLOGY ROCKLAND HOSPITAL




Special Skills:
Experience Summary:
As a visionary, Dr. Amitabh recognized the need and potential of super-specialization in Neurology. Dr. Amitabh Varma was the first ever Neurologist to be honoured with being designated as Hony. Physician to President of India. One of the most renowned Neurologistin Delhi NCR. Dr. Amitabh Varma is the Fellow of American Academy of Neurology. He is the senior most practicing Neurologist of Delhi since 1983 prior to which, for 7 years, he was teaching Doctors at AIIMS, New Delhi. He has been relieving agony and kindling new hope in his patients who not only come to him from all over the country but as well as from Many Afro-Asian and Neighboring countries. Dr Amitabh Varma is Famous for his state of art Neurological Care but also Regenerative Therapy in Neurology. He has been connected with various International Organization of Neurology in various capacities and was also founder Organizing Secretary of Indian Academy of Neurology Congress in 1994 at New Delhi. Dr Varma was instrumental in establishing Department of Neurosciences at various Hospitals in New Delhi, including Batra Hospital and Apollo Hospitals. Dr Amitabh Varma has been Visiting Professor of Neurosciences at various National and International Universities. Appointed by Govt of India as Member of the Management Board of National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences. Currently working as Executive Director in Rockland Hospitals Ltd. Previous Experience: Visiting Professor of Neurosciences at various National and International Universities. Assistant Professor in All India Institute of Medical Sciences Senior Consultant, Indrprastha Apollo Hospital Senior Consultant and HOD, Batra Hospital Senior Neurologist at Mittal Hospital and Research Centre Ajmer,a Multi Superspeaciality Hospital. Visiting Fellow with Prof. James F Tool at Wake Forest University at Winston Salem North Carolina USA. He is world’s leading authority on stroke. Visiting Professor of Neurology MUB Vlodrop Holland.

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