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Also known as Spectacle removal surgery, LASIK Surgery.

Laser in-situ keratomileusis, or LASIK, is an elective surgical procedure used to correct vision in people who are nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism. It is a non-reversible refractive procedure performed by ophthalmologists to correct myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism using an excimer laser to cut or reshape the cornea so that light will focus properly on the retina.

It can be opted by individuals wishing to get rid of eyeglasses or contact lens.


It usually takes about 10-20 minutes to complete the procedure on one eye. Both eyes can be operated on the same day.


There might be some burning, itching, foreign body sensation, blurred vision initially. Healing usually occurs very rapidly and improved vision is noted within a few days.
Strenuous activity, such as contact sports, is to be avoided for at least a month. The use of creams, lotions, and make-up must also be avoided for at least two weeks. Hot tubs and swimming pools should be avoided for at least two months. Once presbyopia sets in, at around age of 40 years, corrective glasses would be needed.


- Undercorrection/overcorrection
- Dry eyes
- Glare
- Seeing halo around images
- Fluctuating vision
- Corneal perforation


A proper evaluation is done prior to surgery, including measurement of corneal thickness, refraction, and pupil dilation, etc.to assess the suitability of the procedure.

The surgery is performed while the patient is under a local anaesthesia/sedation.

During LASIK laser eye surgery, an instrument called a microkeratome, is used to cut a thin flap in the cornea. The cornea is then peeled back and the underlying cornea tissue is reshaped using an excimer laser so that it can properly focus light into the eye and onto the retina. The cornea flap is then put back in place.


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Refractive errors
Eye stroke
Corneal clouding/opacity
Eye infections
Corneal ulcer
Blocked tear duct

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