Doctors who treat BLOOD IN STOOL (MELAENA) or similar ailments belong to following departments:
To Find relevant doctors click on the department name

Gastroenterology - Medical;General Medicine;

Gastroenterology - Medical , General Medicine

If you want to search Gastroenterologists in different cities then click on the appropriate link below
....and many more, For searching doctors in other cities go to our Doctor Search and seacrh by name , specialization and locality...etc
If you want to search  General Physicians in different cities then click on the appropriate link below
....and many more,For searching doctors in other cities go to our Doctor Search and seacrh by name , specialization and locality...etc
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Latest Activity

since last 15- 20 days i have stains of blood in stool,pl advice
since last 15- 20 days i have been observing stains of blood in the stool. a ...
Male 52 , Ahmedabad


24 Mins Ago

Blood in stool with abdominal pain. what could be the problem? Pls Advice.
I have been experiencing blood in my stool since few days. There has been a sli...
Female 24 , Mumbai


1 Day Ago

Please suggests me the doctor to whom i have to consult for constipation and malaena in Hyderabad.
hi, Blood came in stool hard stool.. please suggests me the doctor to whom i ha...
Female 29 , Hyderabad


22 Mins Ago

Can you please refer best pediatric gastroentologist in Chennai?
My Son who is 2 1/2 yrs old is having problem while passing stool and could see...
Male 2 ,


1 Day Ago

Colonoscopy center in Satara
i need to do colonscopy and ogdscopy for my father who is losing blood through ...
Male 75 , Satara


29 Mins Ago