Nov 10

Written by: Rahul
11/10/2009 11:02 AM

The disease occurs due to a congenital defect called Spina Bifida Occulta, which is triggered by the deficiency of folic acid in pregnant women. The symptoms include 4-5 hrs to clear bowel, acute abdominal pain, constant complaints of evacuation.

Treatment : Sacral Nerve Stimulation (SNS). It's a minimally invasive surgical technique that allows for direct electrical stimulation of the sacral nerves S3, which are known to be connected with a majority of colonic functions.

Bowel movements and the effect of stimulation is studied for a week. If it shows good response, the electrode is permanently connected to a small stimulator, implanted in the hip. Patient is given a wireless regulator through which he / she controls colon movement.

This surgery was performed at AIIMS by Dr P Sarat Chandra, associate professor, neuro surgery, for the first time in India. So far close to 10 such surgeries have been done worldwide.

Cost : Rs 3 lakhs



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